Sunday, March 24, 2013

6th Quarter Down, 6-8 Quarters To Go...

Oh man, Im so happy that this quarter is done and over with. I took three project-heavy classes (Beginner After Effects, Digital Video Editing and Advanced Life Drawing) and one liberal study project (English Composition).

It was smooth sailing until I hit a snag on weeks 9 and 10. That's when my sciatic nerve flared up for 11 days which pretty much ruined my plan to finish my final projects well ahead of the schedule so I don't get rushed too much at the end. I guess the changing season from Winter to Spring caused my body to react and man, this is as painful as it got. Painkillers are not as effective and I have to sleep on my sides just to alleviate the pressure on my back. I could only sleep for 2-4 hours and then my back would flare up for hours at end. My little brother thinks that I need to seriously lose a shit load of weight because my belly is pulling my lower back, adding more pressure to it.

Funny thing is that I only experienced this twice in the four years that I was in the navy (which that's the fittest that I got with all the exercise and lifting weights that I did). I'm making a conscious effort to ease off on the food that I usually eat (junk foods being a good chunk of it). Anyways, yea, that wasted two weeks of potential project time.

Well despite that setback, I still did pretty damn well I think. I dont think I can post the videos from my After Effects here, probably screencaps would do.

Here's the final project that I sent for my Advanced Life Drawing:

The entire class LOVED it. I'm happy with it too since it was a fun project to do, specially with an awesome model such as her.

As for my art stuff, I can say that it is still improving, still have shitloads to learn. There are many things that I will be practicing on for the next quarter. One of them is doing speed painting/matte painting on top of the usual anatomy Wednesday night drawing sessions. And then I plan on joining the contest that my Art Director is organizing: a sketchbook battle, 50-pages of more, due at the end of the Mar-May quarter, winner takes the prize. The interest in this contest is high with a few of the AI Alumnis expressing interest. This should be interesting.

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