Tuesday, July 10, 2012

First day of class, last quarter for this year..

...and  it starts off with me (initially grasping at the straws) in our Maya class.

Well, come to think of it, it's just the first day and it's my first time with the program. Supposedly 22 students in that class but only 16 showed up.

For this quarter (July-Oct), my schedule is Monday (6:00PM-10:00PM), Friday (8AM-5PM - two classes) and Saturday (8AM-12PM).

Monday class is a pain in the ass due to it's scheduling, but since I'm quite excited to learn Maya, it offsets that little setback (and heck, I can drive by at my favorite Burrito place on my way home so another consolation right there) by driving in the afternoon just for one late class.

The only drawback from this quarter is that there are no art classes whatsoever this time around. However, my Saturday class kinda makes it up for it since I will be learning the fundamentals of animation--- a fun class, but I'm certain it will be no cakewalk.

I already talked to a couple of professional freelancers that can teach me (for a fee of course) on whatever I'm interested in. Things are a bit tight financially this July so I will have to wait until mid-July or August for my extra art training but of course, I will still practice sketching (working on anatomy atm) on my own until then.

My bestfriend gave me a link to Deviantart's "Daily Sketch Challenge" so there's that to keep me in tune with the whole thing.

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